Navigating The Self-Storage Craze

Terrydale Capital

Jun 28, 2023 7 Min read

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In the world of commercial real estate investments, self-storage assets have emerged as a highly lucrative and resilient opportunity for investors. As an alternative investment class, self-storage properties offer unique advantages that make them an appealing option for individuals seeking reliable returns and long-term growth potential. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of self-storage, explore the pros and cons of investing in this asset class, and shed light on why it has gained significant traction among investors.

Understanding Self-Storage: 

Self-storage refers to the provision of rental space for individuals or businesses to store their belongings or inventory. These facilities consist of various-sized units or containers, offering tenants the flexibility to rent the space they require based on their needs. Self-storage properties are typically purpose-built with a focus on security, accessibility, and convenience.

Pros of Investing in Self-Storage Commercial Real Estate Assets:

  1. Recession-Resistant Nature: One of the most significant advantages of investing in self-storage is its recession-resistant nature. During economic downturns, people downsize, move, or face temporary financial hardships. In such circumstances, the demand for self-storage increases as individuals seek affordable space to store their belongings. This resilience has been demonstrated in the past, making self-storage a reliable investment option even during uncertain times.
  2. Steady Cash Flow: Self-storage assets offer consistent and predictable cash flow due to their recurring rental income. Unlike other commercial properties, the turnover rate for self-storage tenants is relatively high, with shorter leasing periods. This turnover contributes to a stable stream of revenue and minimizes the risk of prolonged vacancies. Moreover, the operational expenses associated with self-storage facilities are typically lower compared to other commercial real estate sectors.
  3. Low Maintenance: Compared to other property types, self-storage facilities generally require lower maintenance costs. The operational overheads are relatively minimal as there is no need for extensive tenant improvements or specialized equipment. Additionally, the maintenance responsibility for individual units falls on the tenants, reducing the burden on property owners.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Self-storage investments offer scalability and flexibility for investors. Investors have the option to start with a smaller facility and gradually expand as they generate more revenue. Additionally, self-storage properties can cater to various markets, including residential and commercial customers. This adaptability allows investors to target specific demographics or areas with higher demand.

Cons of Investing in Self-Storage Commercial Real Estate Assets:

  1. Location Sensitivity: The success of a self-storage investment heavily relies on its location. Proximity to residential areas, population density, and competition are crucial factors that can impact the performance of the facility. A poorly chosen location can lead to lower occupancy rates and limited profitability. Thorough market research and due diligence are essential to identify areas with unmet demand and growth potential.
  2. Initial Capital Investment: Acquiring or developing a self-storage facility requires a significant upfront investment. The costs associated with land acquisition, construction, security systems, and marketing can be substantial. Securing financing and managing initial capital requirements may pose a challenge for some investors, especially those with limited resources.
  3. Operational Challenges: Managing a self-storage facility comes with its own set of operational challenges. Tenant turnover, rental collections, and security monitoring can require diligent oversight. Additionally, maintaining a high occupancy rate and effectively marketing the facility to attract new tenants necessitate continuous effort and effective management strategies.


Investing in self-storage commercial real estate assets can provide investors with a range of advantages. The recession-resistant nature, steady cash flow, low maintenance requirements, and scalability make self-storage an attractive investment option. However, investors should carefully consider factors such as location sensitivity, initial capital investment, and operational challenges before entering this market. Conducting thorough market research, seeking expert advice, and staying updated with industry trends can help investors maximize the potential returns from self-storage investments. With careful planning and execution, self-storage assets can unlock a world of opportunities for both seasoned and novice real estate investors alike.

Terrydale Capital considers the self-storage industry to be one of our bread and butter assets, and we take the utmost pride in securing the best terms for our clients and guiding them to success. When you need a partner to go to bat for you for your next self-storage deal, give us a call.

Want to break into the self-storage industry and learn the tools needed to close the best deals to start generating passive income? Check out StorageCLUB Pro

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